Vše Interpret Skladba Album
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 1. Memorial U. Chamber Orchestra  Ross: 3 Lorca Sketches-Orchestra; 2: Interlude for String Orchestra  Clark Ross's MP3 Collection 
 2. Symphony Nova Scotia, Gary Kulesha, cond.  Ross: 3 Lorca Sketches-Orchestra; 3: El Ni?o Come Naranjas  Clark Ross's MP3 Collection 
 3. Tim Buckley  Lorca     
 4. Apostle of Hustle  Song for Lorca  CBC Radio 3 
 5. Apostle of Hustle  Song for Lorca  CBC Radio 3 (date?) 
 6. Jerome Rothenberg  From Lorca Variations  University of California, San Diego, 1993 
 7. Jerome Rothenberg  From Lorca Variations  University of California, San Diego, 1993 
 8. Jar-e  Lorca STRINGS  unreleased 
 9. the legendary pink dots  when lenny meets lorca  a perfect mystery 
 10. Amadeus Duo  Garcia - Lorca concerto - Anda  Spanish Night 2 
 11. Amadeus Duo  Garcia - Lorca concerto - Los reyes  Spanish Night 2 
 12. Amadeus Duo  Garcia - Lorca concerto - Nana  Spanish Night 2 
 13. Don Seaver http://donseaver.com/  The Assassination of Federico Garcia Lorca: Curtain  The Assassination of Federico Garcia Lorca (1994) 
 14. Elektra Women's Choir  'Suite' de Lorca (E. Rautavaara): La luna asoma  Classic Elektra 
 15. Jerome Rothenberg  Lorca Variation Xxxiii: Second New York Poem.  Rockdrill 7 
 16. Jerome Rothenberg  Lorca Variation Xxxiii: Second New York Poem.  Rockdrill 7 
 17. Apollo Symphony Orchestra  Academic Festival Overture - Powerful yet subdued in parts. An epic involving the full orchestra. Romantic, Overture. Johannes Brahms . Performed by the Apollo Symphony Orchestra.  Sounddogs.com 
 18. NUBLU ORCHESTRA conducted b...  Sketches Of NYC  Sketches Of NYC - Underground Resistance Remixes 
 19. NUBLU ORCHESTRA conducted b...  Sketches Of NYC  Sketches Of NYC - Underground Resistance Remixes 
 20. NUBLU ORCHESTRA conducted b...  Sketches Of NYC  Sketches Of NYC - Underground Resistance Remixes 
 21. Miles Davis  Flamenco Sketches  Kind Of Blue 
 22. Miles Davis  Flamenco Sketches  Kind of Blue  
 23. Miles Davis  Flamenco Sketches  Kind of Blue  
 24. Miles Davis  Flamenco Sketches (alt take)   
 25. Miles Davis  Flamenco Sketches  Kind of Blue  
 26. Davis Miles  13. Flamenco Sketches  Kind Of Blue 50th Anniversary Legacy Edition 
 27. Miles Davis  Flamenco Sketches  Kind Of Blue  
 28. Miles Davis  Flamenco Sketches  Kind Of Blue 
 29. Miles Davis  Flamenco Sketches  Kind Of Blue  
 30. Davis Miles  5. Flamenco Sketches  Kind Of Blue 50th Anniversary Legacy Edition 
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7    »
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